Sunday, February 1, 2009


Ok, so until I get home and have access to a computer that is not half in Japanese script, this blog shall contain only my fabulous wit and charm. Prose so clever that you will not need pictures as my words form images in your mind!!
Vietnam...... One month.......
Basically I met up with my dear frind Matty Gairns on Boxing Day in Saigon, where we spent the next FOUR days waiting for my other dear friend Azza to arrive so we could hit the beach for NYE. Together we headed to Mui Ne where we spent a debaucherous NY where Matty and I found our dancing shoes on the beach at about 4 in the morning, much to the disgust of Azza who was left almost unable to defend himself from the charms of a very drunk local who claimed to be a doctor. (he could prove it with a stethescope he had hung around his neck!!)
I could now bore you with every detail of the next few weeks heading north with Azza, but instead I shall break it down into highlights and lowlights....

* Bike riding... Vietnam was made for cruising round on an old school bicycle complete with basket!!
* Halong Bay (look it up if you don't know!!)
* 12 hour drinkathons (beginning on a boat in Halong Bay, and finishing at some bar in Hanoi!!)
* Salty fried peanuts
* Playing "Count the fat Vietnamese person." However, we did lose interest in the game after about day 5, when we were stuck on 40
* Playing "Count the number of running Vietnamese people." Day 20.... Score 4
* Inadvertently ending up in more than one girly bar

* Realising the guy who wrote the Vietnam Lonely Planet is almost certain to be writing it from a beautiful beach in Thailand
* Dreams of fabulous train rides up the country shattered by scary train staff, and mental Vietnamese women with a passion for beer and being generally loud sitting on a 'wanting to be asleep' me at five in the morning.
* Beaches covered in all sorts of crap.... one in particular strewn with clothes....!
* Still on the final day, being unable to pronounce any Vietnames with any certainty of being understood.

From the heat of Saigon, I flew into Seoul on January 24th. Imagine my delight when as we landed, the pilot announced... "Welcome to Seoul. The outside temperature is -10 degrees. Now, according to all Melbourninan facebook updates, Melbourne is currently facing 40+ degree days.... One can only ask... what the f*&k am I doing????

1 comment:

  1. Hey Claire... I haven't heard from you for flippin years... Just in case you forgot - we met in Prague about 5 or 6 years ago... :)

    I'm in Asia too - I'm on a world trip and just got to Thailand a few weeks ago - where are you going from Korea?

    Great to hear from you :)
